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Rasûlullâh Sallâllahu Alayhi Wa Sallam said: “Whoever provides a fasting person with an Iftar meal of food and drink from Halal means, all the angels will ask forgiveness for that person through entire Ramadhan and Jibrail Alayhis Salam on the night of Qadr.” (Tabarânî, Al-Mu’jam Al-Kabîr)

Ramadan Earthquake Appeal


 We wish Rahmah from Allah upon the deceased and quick recovery to the injured and ill that have   been impacted by the Earthquake in KahramanmaraÅŸ and its surrounding areas. 


Food Package

Iftar, Suhur meals and food packages will be distributed throughout Ramadan for people affected by the earthquake organised by Suleymaniye Aid. Please donate generously to our Turkiye Earthquake Appeal now.

How You'll be Helping

This Ramadan, your donations will help us:


The Prophet (saw) said, ‘Whoever feeds a person breaking his fast will earn the same reward as him, without anything being lessened from the reward of the fasting person’. [Tirmidhi]

The Rewards of Giving Iftar

The Prophet (saw) encouraged us to sustain people who are fasting and share the blessings of Ramadan with the Ummah. Sharing iftar is thus a long-standing Islamic tradition which has become intrinsic to the holy month. 


Ramadan is a time Allah (swt) showers us with his infinite mercy and blessings and many of us will be working hard to draw closer to Him to seek forgiveness and maximise our rewards.

One of the best ways to increase our Iman and multiply our reward in the blessed month is by providing iftar to someone less fortunate. This is a beautiful deed that the Prophet (saw) practised and encouraged his ummah to perform.


You will multiply your fasts


The Prophet (saw) said, ‘Whoever feeds a person breaking his fast will earn the same reward as him, without anything being lessened from the reward of the fasting person’. [Tirmidhi]


SubhanAllah, this is an amazing example of Allah’s mercy and generosity. Giving iftar not only means another person can share in Ramadan’s blessings - it also doubles the reward of your own fast.


This is also the perfect way to get young children involved even if they can’t fast themselves. Let your kids know that they gain the reward of fasting just by putting food and water on the table, or helping you prepare some of the iftar. Alternatively, you can encourage them to donate some of their pocket money towards feeding a needy person in Ramadan.

Your sins will be forgiven

Ramadan is divided into three parts: 10 days each for seeking mercy, forgiveness and freedom from the Fire. Providing iftar is the perfect action for the entire month, because it erases our sins and protects us from the Fire, by the mercy of Allah (swt).

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Rasûlullâh Sallâllahu Alayhi Wa Sallam said: “Whoever provides a fasting person with an Iftar meal of food and drink from Halal means, all the angels will ask forgiveness for that person through entire Ramadhan and Jibrail Alayhis Salam on the night of Qadr.”

(Tabarânî, Al-Mu’jam Al-Kabîr)

The rewards are open to anyone

Some of us can’t afford to host big iftar dinners, donate iftar to the local masjid, or feed a poor family for the month. That doesn’t mean we have to miss out on the rewards of providing iftar.


The Messenger of Allah (saw) said, ‘(O people!) Save yourselves from the Fire even if it is with half a date, and if you cannot find that, then (save yourselves by saying) a good word’. [Muslim]


If all we can give in charity is half a date, then we should still give that. Regarding iftar, the Prophet (saw) encouraged his Companions (ra) to give as much as they could, even if it was only a drink of water:

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Rasulullah (s.a.w.) said: “Feed the hungry, give water to the thirsty, adjoin what is good and forbid what is bad. If you do not have the power to do these, then refrain your tongue from speaking useless words and only speak righteously.” (Hadith Shareef, Ihya ‘Ulmiddin)

Rasûlullâh Sallâllahu Alayhi Wa Sallam said: “Anyone who can find dates should break his fast with it. But if he cannot get any, then with water, for water is purifying.” (Sunan Al-Nasâî)


Suhur is the name given to the food eaten before dawn. Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) said:


“To eat Suhur is Barakat (blessing). One of you should not abandon Suhur even with a sip of water. Indeed for those who eat Suhur, there is the mercy of Allah and the asking for forgiveness from the angels.” (Musnad Ahmad)


“Help your night prayers by sleeping during the day, and your fasting by eating Suhur.” (Tabarani)


In the book Kashf al Qumma it is written: Four things give strength to a fasting person and make it easier for them. To break fast with water, not to abandon Suhur, not to abandon Qaylula (a small nap during the day) and to smell nice scents.”


If a believer wakes up for Suhur, takes Wudu and prays 2 Rak’ah Salat, Allah will send him seven lines of angels, when he completes his Salat and makes Dua, the angels will say ‘Amin’ to his Dua. Allah (s.w.t.) will record for him rewards equal to the number of angels, will elevate his rank in Jannah and erase his sins. Then the angels will make Dua and Istigfar for that person until the Day of Judgment.


Anas ibn Malik (r.a.) narrated: Zayd inb Thabit (r.a.) said: We made Suhur with Rasulullah (s.a.w.). He then stood up for prayer. I asked Zayd:


“What time was there between the Adhan and Suhur?” Zayd (r.a.) said: “Enough to recite 50 Ayah.” (Sahih Bukhari)


(In the translation of the Sahih Bukhari, Muhtasar Tajrid Sarikh, it is written that the time to read 50 Ayahs is 18 minutes.) From this, we understand the importance of following the Tamkin time.


Rasulullah (s.a.w.) said:

“There are three people that as long as they eat from what is Halal, they will not be questioned from what they eat: A fasting person eating at time of Iftar, those who eat at Suhur and those who eat while they look out for the cause of Allah.” (Bazzar)


“People will not be held to account from three foods they eat, Suhur, Iftar and the food they eat with their Muslim brother.” (Musnad al Firdaws)


Some have included as the fourth, the leftover food from guests. When a guest came to one of the Salafi Salihin, he would serve them food enough for a whole month. They asked him the reason for this, he said: “I do this because a person will not be held to account from the food they serve to their guests.”




    •    Laziness in Salat is because of the weakness of Iman.
   •    Trust in Allah, you will reach His aid.
   •    Three things are destructive: stinginess, to obey the evil desires of the Nafs and to be arrogant.
   •    Haya (to be embarrassed) is a shield protecting against sins.
   •    The reward of Akhirah is more valuable than the beauties of this world.
   •    Fasle beliefs will only last a while. The truth will continue until Qiyamah.
   •    Fear Allah and you will not fear anything else. Fearing Allah polishes the heart.

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