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General Donation

“When a person dies, his good deeds come to an end, except three: Ongoing charity, beneficial knowledge, and a righteous child who will pray for him.”

Hadith | Sahih Muslim

Increase the value of
your donation by 25%

You can choose the giftaid option at checkout. No extra cost to you.

I am a UK taxpayer and I understand that if I pay less Income and/or Capital Gains Tax than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all my donations in the relevant tax year, it is my responsibility to pay any difference. I understand that Gift Aid will fund administrative costs as well as our charitable programs.

Image by Daniil Silantev

Your Zakat

All you need to fulfil fourth pillar

Zakat Info | Zakat Calculator | Pay your Zakat  

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Image by Raimond Klavins

Friday Giving

Rasûlullâh Sallâllahu Alayhi Wa Sallam said: “The master of all months is Ramadhan and the master of all days is Friday.” (Kanz Al-Ummâl)

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your donation by 25%

You can choose the giftaid option at checkout. No extra cost to you.

I am a UK taxpayer and I understand that if I pay less Income and/or Capital Gains Tax than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all my donations in the relevant tax year, it is my responsibility to pay any difference. I understand that Gift Aid will fund administrative costs as well as our charitable programs.

charity, donation and volunteering concept - close up of male volunteer's hands holding bo

Zakat al-Fitr (Fitrana)

Rasulullah (s.a.w) said:

Allah Ta’ala has made Sadaqa Fitr Wajib, in order to purify the faster from pointless, useless and foul words and to feed the poor and needy. Whoever gives their Sadaqa Fitr before Salat on Eid day, then that will be an accepted Fitra. However, if they give after the prayer on Eid day, then it would be counted as a normal donation.”


Feed the fasting this Ramadan

Would you give iftar/suhur to 140 Brothers and Quran students. 


The Prophet (saw) said, ‘Whoever feeds a person breaking his fast will earn the same reward as him, without anything being lessened from the reward of the fasting person’. [Tirmidhi]

Please Note: Booking is required if you would like to attend iftar. Free

Iftar Food Package at Suleymaniye

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your donation by 25%

You can choose the giftaid option at checkout. No extra cost to you.

I am a UK taxpayer and I understand that if I pay less Income and/or Capital Gains Tax than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all my donations in the relevant tax year, it is my responsibility to pay any difference. I understand that Gift Aid will fund administrative costs as well as our charitable programs.


Sawm is one of the Five Pillars of Islam, and it’s this Pillar that dictates all able Muslims over the age of puberty must fast. Therefore, anyone who cannot or does not fast must compensate in some way.


Last Mubarak Nights

Automate your Zakat and Sadaqah donations during the last nights of Ramadan and don’t miss Laylat al-Qadr!

Now you will be charged once (will be used where most needed) so that we can setup your account for the last days of Ramadan at Midnight time. You will be charged for each last 10 days of Ramadan only.

You will only be charged each last nights of Ramadan at midnight time.

Laylatul Qadr

last ten nights of Ramadan

Image by Knopka Ivy

Charity/Sadaqa for the Journey safety

It is mustahab to give charity from your yourwealth to at least seven needy person before traveling and after returning. There is road safety in this. In the hadith, 'Indeed charity extinguishes the Lord's anger and it protects against the evil death'. (Tirmidhi)."

Increase the value of
your donation by 25%

You can choose the giftaid option at checkout. No extra cost to you.

I am a UK taxpayer and I understand that if I pay less Income and/or Capital Gains Tax than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all my donations in the relevant tax year, it is my responsibility to pay any difference. I understand that Gift Aid will fund administrative costs as well as our charitable programs.

Manage your regular donation

You can change your details such as payment method, change amount and frequency of donation or cancel your donation anytime.

Image by Masjid Pogung Dalangan

Suleymaniye Aid (International)

Build a Mosque

Qurbani Where Need Is Greatest


Gift a Quran

Jumuah Donation


Eid Gift


Sponsor a Water Well


Food Package

Hifz Sponsorship

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